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Best Wedding Preparations Need List and Time Plan


What needs to be done at the wedding with the wedding preparation need list and time plan we have prepared for you? What to buy for wedding shopping? Pre-wedding preparations? and more..

Have you made the decision to get married, one of the most ambitious and difficult decisions of our lives, and don’t know what to do? In order to help you at this point, we are sharing the Wedding Preparations Needs List with our article, which also includes a list of materials required for the wedding.

How should pre-wedding preparations begin ?

❤ We think you have shared your marriage decision with your families, if you haven’t shared it with your family, now is the time 🙂

❤ Planning an engagement before the wedding? Start planning now.

❤ If your engagement date is clear, you can start choosing your engagement dress.

❤ On the other hand, it’s time to start planning what kind of wedding you want; What will the theme be? Will there be cocktails or dinner? How many people will you invite?

❤ The budget for the wedding should be determined and research for the honeymoon should begin.

❤ Wedding day and marriage office appointment procedures must be completed.

❤ It wouldn’t be bad if you started slowly building the guest list! By the way, don’t forget your invitations, what kind of design should they be? as

❤ You can also research wedding venues and organization companies.

❤ Don’t forget who will be your wedding witness on your most beautiful day 🙂

What to buy for wedding shopping ?

★ You can take the first step by looking for a house with pink shutters where you can lay your head and feel comfortable 

★ After determining your home, make a list of the items suitable for your dream home, and start shopping little by little.

★ Bulk purchases can be more affordable. Research wedding package companies and decide whether a wedding package is suitable for you.

★ Research the wedding dress model you have in mind for your wedding preparations, examine wedding dress companies, and get information about wedding dress prices and models

★ You can also get inspired by the models we offer on our page for the most beautiful wedding dress models.

★ Determine your honeymoon route and don’t forget to make a reservation.

★ If you have chosen your wedding car, make an agreement with your florist to decorate it. Of course, don’t forget your bridal flower, 🙂

wedding shopping
wedding photographer plan.
3 months before the wedding

As we mentioned at the beginning of our article, if you have not yet ordered the wedding candies and invitations written in the wedding shopping list, place your order.

The most important thing to remember to avoid any problems at the wedding is to attend the wedding dress rehearsal. Get organized with your bridal dress maker, see how your wedding dress looks on you, consult your relatives and make your final decision.

If you want to have a special photo shoot before or after the wedding, hire a good photographer. Maybe you will never experience this moment again, so immortalize this moment forever. Decide on the shooting location together with the photographer. And no matter what,  forget to smile 🙂

For bridal hair, be sure to choose your hairdresser in advance, and if possible, decide in which style you will style your hair and make an agreement with the hairdresser.

Be sure to decide whether the wedding will have a meal or refreshments, or whether it will be a simple wedding. If there is a wedding dinner and it will be catered, ask about the menu if possible, taste it and decide!

If you wish, distribute small gifts to your guests to remind them of this special day. So do your research and place your order.

2 months before the wedding
  • Complete your personal shopping for the bride and groom before the wedding.
  • Complete all legal procedures regarding the wedding.
  • Make your final decision for the wedding cake model and wedding menu.
  • Finalize the wedding program with the wedding organization company you agreed with.
  • Make sure everything is correct and clear to avoid problems.
  • The first dance is so important, isn’t it? Choose the orchestra and your music preferences, choose the first dance song!
  • Take a final look at your bridal bouquet and bridal shoes and confirm.
  • If you want to use accessories in your hair style, you should also determine this.
  • If you are going to have a henna night or a bridal bath, decide on the bridal bath venues and details.
1 months before the wedding

If you are going to have a bachelorette party, choose a venue with your closest friends.

Start sending your wedding invitations, make sure the invitations reach your guests at least 1 month before the wedding.

If you want to take private lessons for your first dance, now is the time to start dancing

What the bride should do before the wedding ?

During the wedding preparation period, determine the wedding table seating arrangement.
Be sure to try the latest version of the wedding menu, you don’t want any last minute surprises. wedding plan bride bridal
Complete all the details of your home so that nothing is left out.
For wedding preparations, make an appointment for pre-wedding skin care and massage.

Last week for wedding preparations.. 

Bridal head styles and make-up rehearsals must be done with your hairdresser.
It’s time for the final wedding dress fitting! Don’t forget to receive your wedding dress and bridal accessories.
The number of people who will participate should be clear in your mind. Inform the wedding venue of the final number of guests.
Get skin care and massage.
Don’t forget to prepare your governor for the honeymoon!
You may need to review the details of the wedding preparations and the organization company and people you will work with on the wedding day one last time, to ensure that no detail is left out.
Complete the photo shoot with your wedding photographer! In order to avoid any problems with the photo shoot, explain the concept you have in mind to your photographer in advance and you can also determine the poses you will give. Make the best choice by getting offers from wedding photographers in your city. You don’t want to get tired early, especially if you are going to have a photo shoot on your wedding day.

The big day has arrived, if there is only 1 day left until your wedding day…

wedding rings with a wedding A good breakfast is a must, it is very important to have it with your family! Have a nice day with your family.
Relax, have a coffee with your fiancée where you can discuss the final details!
Make final attempts to get your feet used to the shoes.
Confirm your hairdresser and make-up appointment to avoid any last-minute setbacks for your wedding preparations. Explain again what kind of makeup and hairstyle you want. If possible, rehearse.

The big day, wedding preparations are over, now it’s time to have fun and get married!

Wake up early and start the day with a nice and energetic breakfast! Wake up early and have a hearty and energizing breakfast. Prepare your bridal bag.
Get your hair – make-up and manicure – pedicure done. Confirm with your witnesses!
Your wedding dress is ready, everything is ready, the big moment has arrived! Wear your wedding dress and have a wonderful day! Have the best day of your life!


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