wedding dress Cleaning
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About Cleaning and Storing Your Wedding Dress

The wedding dress is the symbol of your wedding day. You may want to protect your wedding dress, which is the symbol of this precious moment, for a long time. By cleaning and storing your wedding dress correctly, you can preserve your memories and memories for a lifetime. You can review our article below about the cleaning and storage conditions of your wedding dress, which will be your family heirloom. You can get detailed information about what you should pay attention to by taking a look at the suggestions.

1. What Should You Pay Attention To Before Cleaning The Wedding Dress?

Before you decide to clean your wedding dress, it is important to pay attention to the following points.

  • Wedding dress fabrics are usually made of delicate and special materials. Therefore, first of all, examine the fabric structure of your wedding dress and choose the appropriate cleaning method.
  • Be sure to consult your wedding dress manufacturer when choosing the appropriate cleaning method.
  • Apart from choosing cleaning methods suitable for the characteristics of the fabric, the first thing you need to know is that the existing stains should not be removed with aggressive processes.
  • Care should be taken not to use harmful substances such as bleach in cleaning materials.
  • Hot water should not be used in the cleaning process.
  • We recommend that you seek advice from a professional or wedding dress manufacturer before removing particularly difficult stains.
  • If you wish, you can choose the dry cleaning method depending on the type of stain.
  • If the wedding dress has a multi-layered skirt structure, you can place towels between the layers before stain removal. So you can prevent other layers from staining.
  • Attention should also be paid to the embroidery, beads and stones on your wedding dress. It is important to choose the cleaning method suitable for the accessories on your wedding dress.
  • It is important that you get information about the points you need to pay attention to before the cleaning process specific to your wedding dress from your wedding dress manufacturer during your delivery process.

2. What are the Wedding Dress Cleaning Steps?

If you decide to wash the wedding dress yourself, it will be useful to review the steps below. 

  • If you want to clean your wedding dress yourself at home after the wedding, wipe the skirt of the wedding dress with a light cloth and the recommended cleaning material.
  • Instead of washing the wedding dress completely, you can only target the stained areas. In this case, gently remove the stains with the help of a toothbrush or soft brush.

  • You should prefer to wash the wedding dress with warm water.
  • The cleaning agent must be completely dissolved in water.
  • Always remember to test the reaction of the fabric before removing stains.

  • When removing stains on the wedding dress, you should not apply aggressive procedures such as scrubbing or brushing.
  • If you prefer machine washing, wash at 30 degrees by setting the machine settings to delicate mode.
  • If you prefer to wash it with a machine, remember that you need to turn your wedding dress inside out.
  • After the machine is finished washing, dry it at low speed.
  • Then take it out of the machine and hang it on a high place and let your wedding dress dry.

  • If you prefer hand washing, wash the wedding dress using cold water and a gentle recommended cleaning agent.
  • Use warm water for hand washing as well.
  • Avoid using a harsh cleaning m for hand washing as well.

  • Fill the tub with warm soapy water for hand washing.
  • In the bathtub, scrub your wedding dress with gentle movements and rinse with plenty of water.
  • After hand washing, rinse the wedding dress thoroughly and squeeze out excess water. Be careful not to squeeze the wedding dress while squeezing, instead remove the water by pressing lightly.

  • After drying, hang your wedding dress on a high place and let it dry.
  • The wedding dress will naturally get dirty after a busy wedding day. For this reason, dry cleaning can be preferred instead of machine or hand washing.
  • One of the points you should pay attention to is that the embroidery, beads and stones on the wedding dress should be carefully cleaned in the cleaning materials and method to be used at all times. In order to protect the accessories from damage, a professional dry cleaning is the best option in line with the recommendations from your wedding dress manufacturer.
  • It is important that you get information about the cleaning steps specific to your wedding dress from your wedding dress manufacturer during your delivery process.

3. How Should the Skirt of the Wedding Dress Be Cleaned?

You can try the following methods to clean the stains on the wedding dress skirt.

  • Since skirts are the most soiled part of the wedding dress, it is also important to clean the skirts of the wedding dress.
  • If you prefer to wash it yourself, you can use a deep basin or bathtub.
    • Fill the bathtub with warm water, lather the cleanser of your choice, and soak the hem of the wedding dress in the water.
    • After waiting in water for a few minutes, gently rub the hems to remove dust and dirt.
    • After washing, hang the skirt of your wedding dress in a high place to dry.
    • If you wish, you can also use a drying rack to dry the wedding dress.
    • You are sure that it is completely dry, you can fold the wedding dress and store it in its case, or wrap it with a special protector and hang it in your closet.
    • It is important that you get information about the skirt cleaning specific to your wedding dress from your wedding dress manufacturer during your delivery process.

    4. How to Store the Wedding Dress?

    After cleaning after the wedding, you can follow the steps below to store the wedding dress.

    • After cleaning the wedding dress, let it dry completely. Make sure it is dry.
    • It is very important that the wedding dress is dry after cleaning.
    • Storing a damp wedding dress can cause mold or discoloration.
    • You can hide the wedding dress by hanging it or laying it out on a flat surface.
    • If you prefer the hanging method, you can place support material on the shoulder before hanging the wedding dress on the hanger.
    • Placing the support material prevents the strap from shaping the wedding dress and deformation of the shoulders.
    • Check the humidity and light level of the environment where you will store the wedding dress. Wedding dresses stored in a humid environment can lead to mold growth.
    • Sunlight can also cause the wedding dress fabric to fade.
    • You can use a special wedding dress storage disguise to store the wedding dress. These covers are usually made of breathable fabric and protect the wedding dress from dust and light.
    • You can get the appropriate cover from the wedding dress manufacturer.
    • If your wedding dress is stored in an airless and humid environment, its color may turn yellow.
    • In this context, it is recommended that you pay close attention to the storage environment.
    • It is important that you get information about the special storage conditions for your wedding dress from your wedding dress manufacturer during your delivery process.

    5. What are the Techniques for Folding the Wedding DressCorrectly? 

    If you are going to fold or carry the wedding dress for a long time, it is important to use the correct folding techniques.

    • When folding the wedding dress, never put metal or wood material between each layer.
    • These materials can put pressure on the fabric, leaving permanent marks.
    • Between the layers, you can place white acetate paper or acetate-based non-woven fabric.
    • After folding the wedding dress, protect it by wrapping it with a cloth or cotton cover.
    • This prevents damage to the wedding dress fabric.
    • Do not tape or pinch the wedding dress you folded tightly.
    • Fold loosely so that the fabric can breathe.
    • It is important that you get information about the special folding technique for your wedding dress from your wedding dress manufacturer during your delivery process.

    As a result, the process of cleaning and storing wedding dresses is a process that requires precision. Wedding dress cleaning requires a careful process and should be done using the right methods. Do not forget that it is best to get support from a professional dry cleaning company before cleaning your wedding dress and to take action with the recommendations of the wedding dress manufacturer.


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